15 Cleaning Tips To Maintain A Healthy Environment For Clients

cleaning tips to maintain a healthy environment

Are you searching for cleaning tips to maintain a healthy environment for your clients? Do you want to know how best to keep your client’s home clean and healthy for a living?

A clean environment is a contributory factor to healthy living and thriving. Cleanliness is essential in a job like home care. As a home care agent, part of your responsibility depending on the agreement signed may involve keeping the house clean for your client.

If you fall into that category where your client’s personalized care may require you to clean the home, you need to know the right cleaning tips to maintain a healthy and clean environment for your client.

If on the other hand does not include in the client agreement but you want to do that as an extension of compassion, ensure to use any of the Effective Communication Strategies In Client Care to find out if your client will be okay with that.

Here in this guide, we have summed up 15 tips to help you clean and maintain a neat sweet-smelling home to make your client comfortable.


15 Cleaning Tips To Maintain A Healthy Environment For Clients

Cleaning a house and maintaining a neat environment comes with a plan. These tips will help you know where to start, how to clean effectively and what not to do.

#1. Start with a plan

A plan?

Absolutely, you need a plan. How many rooms need cleaning? How big are they?

Before starting the cleaning process, create a plan or a checklist. This checklist includes all the cleaning tasks that need to be done. This plan will help you stay organized and ensure that you don’t miss any important tasks.

For instance, if you’re cleaning a residential property, your checklist may include tasks such as cleaning the bathrooms, kitchen, and bedrooms. On the other hand, if it’s a commercial space, then your tasks should include cleaning the lobby, conference rooms, and common areas.

#2. Use eco-friendly cleaning products

One of the cleaning tips to maintain a healthy environment for your clients is to use eco-friendly products for cleaning.

Eco-friendly cleaning products are safe for your client’s health and the environment. Instead of harsh chemicals, you can use vinegar and baking soda to clean surfaces. This is not just safe, it is both effective and non-toxic.

#3. Clean high-touch surfaces

High-touch surfaces include doorknobs, light switches, and countertops. Ensure to clean and disinfect them frequently to prevent the spread of germs.

Use a disinfectant spray to wipe clean doorknobs and light switches. And on the other hand, use a cleaning solution to wipe down countertops.

#4. Vacuum regularly

Regular vacuuming can help remove dirt, dust, and other allergens from carpets and floors. This improves indoor air quality.

You can form a routine around this if you clean regularly. You should vacuum carpets and floors at least once a week, and more frequently in high-traffic areas.

#5. Disinfect bathrooms

Bathrooms are often a breeding ground for germs. One of the cleaning tips to maintain a healthy environment for your clients is to thoroughly clean and disinfect the bathrooms regularly.

For instance, you should use a cleaning solution to scrub the toilet, sink, shower or bathtub. Once done, you can use a disinfectant to wipe down surfaces such as the toilet seat, handles, and faucets.

#6. Clean and organize kitchen

The kitchen is another area that needs special attention. This is so because it’s where food is prepared and eaten. In the kitchen, you should clean the countertops, sink, and stove regularly. Make sure that dishes are washed and put away.

#7. Dust surfaces

Dust can accumulate quickly and exacerbate allergies. So it’s important to dust surfaces regularly. It’s ideal to use a microfiber cloth or duster to dust surfaces such as bookshelves, tables, and picture frames.

Ensure your client is away from the environment if they are allergic to dust.

#8. Clean windows and mirrors

Windows and mirrors can quickly become dirty and streaky, which can be unsightly and reduce natural light.

While cleaning mirrors and windows, use a cleaning solution and a microfiber cloth. Ensure to wipe them dry to prevent streaks.

#9. Freshen up the air

Bad odours can be unpleasant and make a space feel unclean even though it’s all cleaned up. It’s important to freshen up the air regularly.

It’s recommended to use an air purifier essential oils or candles to add a pleasant scent. If that is not available, open windows to let in the fresh air.

Note before freshening up the air with a purifier or scent, communicate with the client to know if they are okay with the scent, so you don’t “freshen the air” with an unpleasant scent to them.

#10. Clean and disinfect electronics

Electronic devices such as phones, tablets, and keyboards can harbour germs and bacteria. Ensure to use a disinfectant wipe or spray to clean and disinfect these devices. Particularly, focus on devices in home high-traffic areas.

#11. Wash linens regularly

Bedding, towels, and other linens can become dirty and accumulate germs over time. Ensure to wash them regularly with eco-friendly detergents.

You should wash bedding and towels at least once a week, and more frequently if they become visibly soiled.  Ensure to arrange the bedding in comfortable way. See How To Do A Bad Bed.

#12. Declutter regularly

One of the cleaning tips to maintain a healthy environment for your clients is to declutter. According to Veluxx, clutter can make a space feel crowded and unclean, so it’s important to declutter regularly.

You should encourage your client to donate or discard items they no longer need, and create storage solutions to keep items organized.

#13. Deep clean periodically

In addition to regular cleaning tasks, it’s important to deep clean periodically to remove built-up dirt and grime. For example, you may need to steam clean carpets or scrub tile grout to maintain a clean and healthy environment.

#14. Encourage good hygiene practices

It’s important to encourage good hygiene practices such as hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes, and staying home when sick. You can provide hand sanitiser or hand soap in high-traffic areas. This encourages your client to promote good hygiene practices among their staff or family members.

#15. Pay attention to details

Cleaning requires your rapt attention. One of the cleaning tips to maintain a healthy environment for your clients is to pay attention to details.

Paying attention to small details can make a big difference in how clean and tidy a space looks.

For example, you should clean light fixtures, switch plates, and baseboards regularly, and make sure that clutter is put away and surfaces are free of debris.


By following the cleaning tips we have mentioned, you can maintain a healthy environment for all of your clients. Ensure to communicate with your clients about what they need and how they want the cleaning to be done before you start.

We hope you find this piece enlightening.

You can consider the $2/hour Bonus Ongoing Now at Good Hands Home Care for home care agents.

You can reach out to us via our website or call +1-317-742-4135, +1-317-981-5990 or leave us a mail via [email protected]

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