We are a community of highly trained and compassionate caregivers who understand that everyone needs are different.
Cultivating robust connections with our clients and their families forms the foundation of our mission. Our dedicated team of care coordinators, characterized by their warmth and expertise, diligently strive to match each client with the ideal caregiver. We work with clients in the following areas: Boone, Cass, Clark, Clinton, Crawford, Elkhart, Fayette, Franklin, Hamilton, Hancock, Harrison, Hendricks, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Lawrence, Madison, Marion, Monroe, Pike, Shelby, Spencer, Washingtonx, Wayne.
Good Hands Home Care is committed to a high standard of individualized care, offering services that are both flexible and responsive to each client’s specific needs. Our commitment is evident in our relationships with clients and families, aiming to provide peace of mind and dependable support across their service areas.